2023. feb 11.

Ctrl + Alt + Del

írta: P.Gabriella
Ctrl + Alt + Del


Frida Castelli akotása

Nehezen megy. 
Tisztítod magad. 
Tudatosítod magad. 
0 tolerancia. 
Aztán azt veszed észre, hogy egyre jobban kimosódik…egyre jobban Úrnője/Ura vagy testednek…aztán feldolgozol… aztán tűnnek el a fájdalmak…aztán a megbántottság…aztán elégedettleszel…aztán elkezdesz újra ragyogni…aztán előbújsz a csigaházból.


…és újra összekótöd agyadat a szíveddel…mert elemezhetsz az élet végégig…de ha szív nélkül próbálsz bármire is rájönni: “VESZETT FEJSZE NYELE”.


It ain't about a heart to find
It's about the one inside
It's about the love you hide
It's waitin' to be let outside

And it ain't about losing your mind
But if you happen to, that's fine
But theres only one way to shine
And it's called trying to live
Freely, freely meu coração
Freely, freely meu coração
I'd like to live that way
I'd like to live that way

And my mother may not understand
Why I'm the way that I am
But I love her and I wanna let her in
(Do you love her?)
Get to know a friend
And now we gotta take some time
Get to know each other our whole lives
And I call on you to remind
Nothing's really mine except for
Freedom, freedom en meu coração
Freedom, freedom en meu coração
I'd like to live that way
Oh, I'd wanna stay stay that way
Ouu, ouu, ouu, ouu, ouu
Ouu, ouu, ouu, ouu
Ya ever seen anything as kind
As the wind blowing by?
I've never seen anything as wise
As the sun rise that shines
Freely, freely en meu coração
Freely, freely meu coração
I'd like to live that way
Ohh, I'm gonna live that way

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