2017. júl 09.

Daughter of the Elements ~ Music by Lisa Thiel

írta: P.Gabriella
Daughter of the Elements ~ Music by Lisa Thiel

Daughter of the elements
Daughter of the rain
Daughter of the thunder

Daughter of the flame
Daughter of the dawn
And daughter of the light
Daughter of the stars

And daughter of the night
Daughter of the earth
And daughter of the trees
Daughter of the storms

And daughter of the breeze
Daughter of the moon
And daughter of the seas
Daughter of the winds

And daughter of the leaves
And daughter of the leaves
And daughter of the leaves

I am of the elements
I am of the rain
I am of the thunder
I am of the flame

I am of the dawn
And I am of the light
I am of the stars
And I am of the night

I am of the earth
And I am of the trees
I am of the storms
And I am of the breeze

I am of the moon
And I am of the seas
I am of the winds
And I am of the leaves

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Zene Elemek